HUIMBOT - fully automaticaly control server, support many commands to game-chat.
Server protected by HUIMBOT-anticheat.
TAC (Tishka active control) renamed to HUIMBOT
[TOP] Team Speak 3 server IP:
This server support VIP and LORD statuses. LORD: PUMCAT, TISHKA DRONT.
Press link for read more info about VIP or LORD-status. Donater list.
Server rule:
Not use over 5 nicks, or get autokill every kil (expect VIP)
Do over 2..3 teamkill - start get autokill (expect VIP)
Cheater or strong abused - get ban to all acounts by TAC (autokill every kill). Unban 10 euro. if you think, You buy new game and continue play - no! Will get auto-ban again by TAC. TAC use virus model for protect servers.
Abused to chat with insult - get mute to all accounts. Unmute 10 euro.
Forbidden use many negative color words in game-chat - have big chance get mute by TAC to all accounts.
Commands in game-chat:
!myguid - show your GUID
!mytimes - show how many time you play in server after last join
!nextmap - show cmap in next round
!guid playernick - show short GUID of other player
!location playernick - show COUNTRY of selected player
!times playernick - show how long time selected player play in server after last join
!gamemode - show current gamemode: hardcore or normal
!my_nicks - show your nicks in this server (over 5 nicks get autokill)
!ts3 - show ts3 server
!vipinfo - show info about VIP previlegies
Weapon limit automatically OFF when online over 10players, IF <10 players, then WL autoset to ON.
Hello, i am Tishka Dront) Server will close 31.10.2022. Now PAYPAL not work for ru or biggest commision (from $35 i will get $20). Will Donate to PUMCAT for open new server, because alone pay to sever not good. Him page on this site HUIMBOT continue work on my host in datacenter, PUMCAT can join him server
hello , I am ban for cheet while I do not cheat , the only thing that changed is my connection , I switched from adsl to fiber , otherwise impossible to make you a donation by paypal . cordially
i checked, u used aimbot too. not WH only. if u seen warning in game when autokill. in chat show 10-100 euro for unban. Not 10 euro. i did back ur 10 euro fully (NO LOSE IN COMMISION FOR U) For u unban 20 euro in 2 servers 24 slots. If agree - send 20 euro and honest play. Rule after unban: use 1 nick only. deinstall any cheats and not use any cheats if use cheats again - then unban 100 or 200 euro.
i pressed unban from procon. IF not unbanned in reality, then wait... i can do that. (all permannent bans save to huimbot database, not save to server, your ban be tempory) 1. reinstall server and clear all bans on server 2.or gamehosting give me FTP-access. (Now i not have)
p.s. if double ban or more bans for 1 player - from procon not can unban
hi. Since iv tried to update punkbuster I cannot load sector control on this site only. It starts to load but then shuts down WHOLE MOH game. Combat loads fine. as does loading into other clans. Iv had problems since i was forced to load windows 10 . Any ideas
1. download unpack and install file (from zip) 2. Will add MOH game in punkbuster programm - after add MOH-game show in punkbuster window (if You have BF4-BF3 too)
If it is still not good then try this. 1.Clouse MOH game! 2.Go to your: MY Documents on your PC. Folder EA Games-Medal of Honor-Multiplayer File Settings.ini Change value without any syntax errors: auto to 9 DxVersion=auto NO (previos default value) DxVersion=9 YES (new value) And then just save it. 3. Start MOH game
if you broken Settings.ini file, then delete it. start-cluse game, MOH create this file again
If it is still not good,try to open your game as administrator. Right click on the MOH icon and run it as administrator.
If not fixed - try delete and install game to other disk, also can try download from steam. MOH Multylayer ~ 3Gb.
you payed 8.4 and 6.7 euro You get unban and VIP to 2 month. after that you sayed that: "BrianG_GamerS today 06:46 oses you 10 euro and were € 8 euro had to return 10 that"
but 15-10=5. unban 10 euro, not 5. You payed 15 euro and asked back 10 euro. if want unban in future - unban for you 20 euro, not 10. new paymant not can be back. i already did empty work. HUIMBOT ban did back, VIP deleted. P.S. For me strange. donated 15 euro, not 10. Get unban and VIP to 2 month, after that - ask return 10 euro. i did return 15euro ( 100% )
Please help me on the servers [TOP]TISHKA | XLGAMES.RU I have 6 nicknames and it still kills me please could you reset it? I have the main account PheonixLP please reset it Thank you.
talk about other thema PheonixLP 9a8aad8633924840784b0e8afd571daf PB Guid 1m Violation (AIMBOT) #50437
unban 20 euro + personal rule for You: honest gameplay only in future. 1 nick only. if ask admin to any moment start streem gameplay without down results.
You banned by HUIMBOT and not can use other accounts in TISHKA servers
Server him kicked you, i not can protect vs this internal error. THis error personally in your computer see reason in google find this stroke Violation (IGNORING QUERIES) #9006
To TOP TISHKA added ONE auto-kill for players who did suicide. Because player abuse with Grenade launcher or RPG, kill other players and himself. Now suicider have 2x more time for spawn. VIP not have this limit, no report to chat about suicide, no autokill after spawn.
Who used over 5 nick in server - will get autokill every kill. Reason: part of protect vs cheaters, admin not have time for analize 50 nicks of one player. And admin not give ban if suspect players, because no uknow strong players. This nick count set to 5 for abused players once in month. Vip can have use unlimit nicks
10 euro unban. rule - use 1 nick in future, not use any cheats. if use new account (not nick only) - i think, TAC re-ban You again is automatically. You can try)
TAC too suspected You, but i think, You have fast ban and TAC no have time for sure for give ban suspect_[Gimenezuy]_KD2_ALL=2018_02_06 22:03:07 (34\12 , HS=**. 8:7 Garmzir Town) suspect_[Gimenezuy]_GUID2_ALL=ef854743fd1a1b2e25b4289762229668 (Canada)